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Until Dawn is a single player third person adventure Horror video game. Using the Butterfly effect interface no two stories will be alike. Until Dawn is a Playstation 4 exclusive.

Until Dawn follows the plight of eight friends trapped on a remote island getaway, the friends fear that they are not alone, they face a night of trying to stay alive while there is a serial killer on the loose. Trapped in a remote mountain retreat every decision big or small will carve out the story you play. The eight friends are visiting the retreat on the anniversary of the disappearance of their friends. The friends are unaware that they are being stalked by a killer.



You need to make snap decisions and there are no wrong or right decisions. You play as each of the eight friends. Whatever decision you make will affect the story.

The game is designed to be played multiple times and uses the Butterfly effect interface to change the story each time you play.

You will have to make difficult decisions and face tough moral dilemmas. You will have to make decisions on who are your friends and who are not.

You will however be unable to go back to a previous save if you make a mistake or regret a decision due to a strict autosave system, so you will have to be very careful to make the right decision, even the smallest decision can have a huge impact.


  • Playstation 4 exclusive
  • Single player
  • Third Person


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