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Cheapest Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier

Ghost Recon: Future Soldier is the latest game from Tom Clancy. It is the forth game in the series. The Ghost recon games are very popular and fans have been eagerly expecting the release of this game.

The game has high tech weaponry and can be played in single or multiplayer. This game is not just for the dedicated fans though, it will bring excitement for brand new fans and the long term fans alike.



This third person shooter is set in the near future. It is set where Russia went to war. The ghosts visit places like Norway the Middle East and Norway. You control a team of 4 that includes a commando, a reconnaissance expert, a sniper weapons expert and a ghost lead.

The ghosts are part of a group for specialized tactics. Only the best soldiers are chosen to be the untraceable soldiers named the Ghosts.

The game is mainly a third person shooter but in some parts switches to a first person camera to help with precise aiming.

There is a new feature called optical camouflage that enables the ghosts to become almost invisible. This is going to be a massive online game.


  • PS3, Xbox 360 and PC
  • Single player and multiplayer
  • Kinect compatible


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