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Cheapest Titanfall 2

Titanfall 2 is first person shooter video game. It is a direct sequel to the 2014 game Titanfall. It features single player and Multiplayer modes.

Titanfall 2 is is similar to Titanfall in that you can control both the Titans and the Pilot. The Pilot has abilities that enhance efficiency during combat. There are various new gameplay mechanics including a sliding mechanic and a pulse blade.



The single player mode sees you playing as a militia rifleman called Jack Cooper who is hoping to become a pilot.

You are stranded behind enemy lines on an alien planet and you have to team up and work together with a veteran vanguard-class titan on a mission you were never supposed to carry out, fighting local alien creatures and human enemies. Single player explores the bond between man and machine.

The multiplayer mode features six new titans an array of new deadly technology. Titans are lethal weapons wearing an armour and tower above anything standing in their way.


  • Playstation 4 and Xbox One
  • Single player
  • Multi player
  • First person shooter


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