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Compare The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD prices

Cheapest The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess has returned and this time in high definition glory for the Wii U. The action adventure single player game that was originally made for the GameCube has been remastered and is now also compatible with Amiibo.

Twilight Princess HD follows Link and is set in a massive world facing danger from a dark figure from the twilight realm that has invaded the light world. Link joins up with Midna in a quest that takes them into the twilight realm.



Twilight princess is set centuries after the events of Ocarina of time and follows a young Link.

Link’s village is attacked by Bulblins, a cowardly green horned race, who carry off all the children in the village. Link in hot pursuit stumbles across a wall of twilight and is pulled through and transformed into a wolf and imprisoned. This is where he meets Midna an Imp Like twilight being. Midna dislikes link but does agree to help him.

You will be able to explore Hyrule and its dungeons. You will meet a cast of friendly folk who will help you and Midna on your quest. Link will be able to change back and forth from being a wolf at will. As a wolf Link cannot use his shield or sword but will be able to move faster, dig holes and create new passages and uncover items.

Because the game is compatible with the Wii U gamepad you can use the gamepad to view maps and check your inventory.


  • Wii U
  • High definition graphics
  • Single player
  • Amiibo compatible


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