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Cheapest The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Description The game is made as a prequel to the Ocarina of Time and will use wii’s motion plus for sword fighting. Link discovers the skyward sword and is taken to a scary land below which is under the rule of evil forces. This game is fab if you are into puzzle solving. You will […]


The game is made as a prequel to the Ocarina of Time and will use wii’s motion plus for sword fighting.

Link discovers the skyward sword and is taken to a scary land below which is under the rule of evil forces. This game is fab if you are into puzzle solving. You will need to be quick thinking in order to solve some of the puzzles and a lot of them are guarded by enemies.

Along the way you can collect many different items that seem odd but can be later used to upgrade your weapons. The game will take you back to places you have already explored to continue tasks. Link has to deal with Lord Ghirahim who rules the surface world, who wants to take princess Zelda.


  • Nintendo Wii
  • Motion plus
  • Single player
  • Standard edition and limited edition


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