Compare The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D prices

Cheapest The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D

Description You will be guided along the way by Navi, the helpful fairy who is there to guide you and give you some advice. You have TO learn to play Songs on an ocarina to enable you to progress through the game. There is an added extra for all hose who know the game inside […]


You will be guided along the way by Navi, the helpful fairy who is there to guide you and give you some advice.

You have TO learn to play Songs on an ocarina to enable you to progress through the game.

There is an added extra for all hose who know the game inside out as there is a master quest, the whole game map is now mirrored. and the objects are hidden in different locations, you will meet your enemies earlier on than before.


  • Remake of a classic game
  • Available on the 3DS
  • Remastered graphics
  • Touch screen


By: oli
June 24, 2011 5:09 pm


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