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Cheapest Sleeping Dogs

Set in Hong Kong and from Square Enix, Sleeping Dogs is an open world crime drama. Infiltrating the Hong Kong triads you take on the role of an undercover cop, determined to bring them down. As you make your way around Hong Kong island you are pulled into a story of deception and treachery.

Sleeping Dogs is a third person action game involving action packed shoot outs, street racing and martial arts combat. An XP system is used throughout the game allowing the purchase of vehicles and accessories.



You play Wei Shen an undercover cop on a mission to bring down one of the most dangerous criminal gangs, the Hong Kong triads.

As you work your way through the game you earn more money and a better reputation with the gang. As you earn more money and reputation you can go to better places and VIP areas.

This is a great combat game and is in an open world in Hong Kong, you fight with martial arts and street fighting, and you get to use your environment to your advantage while you fight. You have to be ready to fight as the fights happen fast and unexpectedly.

The game also includes some mini-games including street racing and karaoke, these influence how the game flows.


  • Square Enix
  • Open world
  • Online stats
  • Xbox 360 and PS3


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