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Cheapest Saints Row IV

Saints Row IV is the fourth installment of the Saints Row series. It is an open world video game and sequel to the popular Saints Row: The Third. Saints row returns with a whole new array of weapons and a brand new enemy.

Just like the previous game, in Saints Row 4 you take control of the leader of the Saints, only this time aliens have transported you to a simulated version of Steelport.



Saints row 4 is set five years after the events of Saints Row: The Third.

The third Street Saints leader has been elected as US president. Before long there is an alien invasion and the saints are kidnapped and transported to a virtual world.

As the player you control the leader of the Third Street Saints. The game returns to the city of Steelport, which has been redesigned as a retro futuristic dystopia. You will have superpowers which will help you to fight the invading Zin Empire.

Your super powers will see you being able to jump higher than buildings and run faster than jets. You will have tons of weapons to play around and have fun with including the Inflate-O-Ray that enables you to inflate the heads of your enemies!


  • Xbox 360, PS3
  • Saints Row series
  • Open world


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