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Cheapest Ryse: Son of Rome

Ryse: Son of Rome is an action-adventure Video game, where you get to fight like a Roman soldier. Using the power of the Xbox One, Ryse puts you right in the action in ancient Rome as you seek revenge over the death of your family.

Ryse puts you in the the chaos of the Roman empire, wage all out war, command armies into huge battles and fight not only for your own honour but also you fight for Rome.



Ryse: Son of Rome follows a young Roman General Marius Titan, the witness of the murder of his family and goes out for revenge.

Marius is on a Heroic quest to avenge his family. Marius works his way up to becoming a general. The brutality of Roman warfare is brought to life in this game while you master Sword and shield combat.

Ryse uses the game engine CryEngine, The updated CryEngine gives developers even more control over the environment allowing dynamic lighting and effects changes to help give the game a very cinematic look and feel. It gives detailed facial animations.


  • Xbox One
  • CryEngine
  • Single player
  • Multiplayer


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