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Cheapest Rise of the Tomb Raider

Rise of the tomb raider is a single player third person action adventure video game. Featuring the popular Lara Croft. This is the eleventh game in the tomb raider game series and is a sequel to the 2013 reboot.

Lara croft has to try and prove that she is not insane after the events of Yamatai where she met an immortal being. The organisation has tried to cover up what happened. Lara is obsessed with finding out the truth about the myths around the world.



Lara goes to Siberia to search for the ancient city of Kitezh where she believes that she can find the truth about immortality. Lara needs to use her survival skills and wit in order to prove her sanity.

The gameplay is similar to the last game with added mechanics and abilities. The game will take about 30-40 hours to complete fully.

Lara’s health will not auto regenerate as before, as Lara gets injured you will need to find ways to treat injuries using bandages or salvaged cloth. You can use knives to tackle enemies.

You will be able to hide from animals and humans, you can climb trees and hide to avoid enemies. Weapons are upgradable however you will need to scavenge and search for materials and plants to upgrade items, these materials and plants can be found in the surrounding areas.


  • Xbox Exclusive
  • Third person
  • Tomb Raider series
  • Single player

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