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Cheapest Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City

Description Players can take on the role of the two opposing teams an umbrella soldiers or the United States Special Ops team. On each team there are 6 playable characters. Resident Evil: Operation Racoon City is a third person shooter which can be played in single player or four player co-op. the zombies can attack […]


Players can take on the role of the two opposing teams an umbrella soldiers or the United States Special Ops team. On each team there are 6 playable characters.

Resident Evil: Operation Racoon City is a third person shooter which can be played in single player or four player co-op. the zombies can attack you and you are able to avoid infection but if you are unsuccessful you will be invisible for a short time, if you are infected you will then start to attack your teammates until you’re taken out, allowing you to respawn.

There will be other enemies not just zombies, so stay alert.


  • Xbox 360, PS3
  • Multiplayer Co-op
  • Heroes Mode


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