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Cheapest Prototype 2

Description Set 18 months after the first game, we are back in New York. Manhattan is quarantined, and is now sealed off from the other parts of New York City. New York is now called New York Zero and has 3 zones Red Zone, Yellow Zone and Green Zone, the zones reflect how infected the […]


Set 18 months after the first game, we are back in New York. Manhattan is quarantined, and is now sealed off from the other parts of New York City.

New York is now called New York Zero and has 3 zones Red Zone, Yellow Zone and Green Zone, the zones reflect how infected the area is. James Heller has missions in all zones and each zone has varying difficulty.

There are also some sightings of Alex Mercer throughout the game. Because the virus has mutated since the first game Heller has tendrils that make him appear more solid than Mercer who appears ghostlike.


  • PS3, Xbox 360 and PC
  • Third person shooter
  • Single player


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