Nintendo 2DS


The Nintendo 2DS add a new value version to the Nintendo 3DS line-up. The new 2DS is a trimmed down economical handheld games console, that allows you to play 3DS game, albeit in 2D, and also DS games.

The Nintendo 2DS has many of the same features of the 3DS such as the controls and compatibility with DS games, wireless connection, Nintendo eShop but with a newly designed shape.


The 2DS does not have the 3D gaming features of the 3DS however it will play all 3DS games, just in 2D. As a result this console can be used by young children.

Aimed at the budget end of the market the console has been designed to be allow all the same fun and connectivity of a 3DS but for a fraction of the price.

The design of the 2DS is significantly different to the rest of Nintendo’s handheld line-up being a slate style design rather than clamshell.

Available initially in Red and Blue.


  • Nintendo 3DS Series
  • Plays 3DS and DS games
  • Budget handheld console


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