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Cheapest Need for Speed

The popular racing game is back with Need for speed. It is an open world racing videogame. It is the twenty first instalment in the popular need for speed series.

Need for speed is a popular racing game series and returns with a reboot. Need for speed has a vast list of cars including 1999 Lamborghini Diablo SV, Nissan Skyline GTR 1971, Ford mustang 1965, Honda S2000 and many more.



The game features five different ways to play. Speed, Style, Build, Crew, and Outlaw.

Speed, take corners at top speed and see what your car can do.
Style is the way you express yourself behind the wheel.
Build is all about the modifications and customisations.
Crew, join friends and earn crew points together.
Outlaw, escape from the cops, pushing limits and looking over your shoulder while experiencing thrilling driving.

You will be able to have up to five cars in your garage, you are not able to collect cars but you can choose to use one car throughout the entire game or you can use five.

The game is set in a fictional area called Ventura bay an urban playground and features industrial areas downtown areas and hillsides, Ventura bay is about twice the size of need for speed Rivals. Customisable cars, you can customize your car to reflect your own style.


  • Xbox One and PS4
  • Single player / multi player
  • Racing/li>


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