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Cheapest Mirror's Edge Catalyst

Mirror's edge catalyst is a first person, open world action adventure open world platform video game. It is a reboot/ sequel of the 2008 game mirror's edge.

Mirror's edge Catalyst main protagonist is Faith Connors, she is an independent woman who dislikes the conglomerate that control City of Glass. This will be a reboot of Faith's history that sees her in a quest to overthrow the rulers of City of Glass.



Explore the city of glass as Faith Connors.

The beautiful city built of glass is hiding a terrible secret, you will need to explore every corner of the city with Faith, she is free to explore the huge city taking advantage of tunnels and rooftops. You can make use of ledges and zip lines to get across the city quickly.

The game now has an open world free roaming environment which is new to Mirrors edge catalyst, this gives you more freedom travelling allowing you to find various paths to your to reach your objective. There will be puzzles to solve, time trials and races.

Guns have been removed from the game, this is so you can focus on Faith’s skills and her free running. There is also a multiplayer aspect in which your actions can affect other players games.


  • Single player / online multiplayer
  • PS4 and Xbox One
  • First person


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