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Cheapest Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes is an action adventure stealth video game. The game is a sub series of prequels to the Metal Gear game series. It is also a prologue to the upcoming game Metal Gear solid V: The Phantom Pain.

The safety of the whole world is at stake and colonel Roy Campbell has come out of retirement, you as the player take on the role of Big Boss.



You have the mission of infiltrating Camp Omega. Big Boss and Kas Millar must prevent some important information about Snake and his military organisation being exposed.

You are able to develop weapons from your virtual motherbase. You are even able to access your virtual motherboard from your smartphone.

The game features a day and night cycle that runs in realtime. When you travel in the game the time of travel will affect the time of day you arrive at your destination. You can play your missions in any order you want, there is no set order.


  • Xbox and Playstation
  • Metal Gear series
  • Connect with your smartphone


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