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Cheapest Max Payne 3

The third game in the Max Payne series marks a new chapter in max Payne’s story. Set 8 years after max Payne 2, an older and more cynical Max has left New York and is now living in Sao Paulo.

Having taken a job in executive protection for Rodrigo Branco, a wealthy local, suddenly Branco’s wife is kidnapped by a street gang. Max is left searching for the truth and all alone in a city he doesn’t know.



This is a 3rd person shooter that can be played single player and multiplayer.

The game has a cover system that is similar to the one used in Grand Theft Auto, this is optional so you don’t have to use it. You can use the option to take hostages and use them as human shields.

Max will be able to duel-wield any single handed weapons so that means that he can use a submachine gun in one hand and use a pistol in the other hand at the same time.

Max will be able to use his signature shootdodge maneuver allowing him to shoot at the same time as diving into the air using bullet time.

Bullet time slows down everything when activated.


  • Xbox 360, PS3 and PC
  • Single player
  • Multi player
  • Online Co-op
  • Bullet Time


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