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Lost Planet 3 is the third game in the lost planet series, a third person shooter game set on the planet of E.D.N III at a time when the Earth is becoming uninhabitable.

Lost Planet 3 is set before the events of the first Lost Planet game set at a time when the first few humans have arrived on the planet to colonise it. Humans have been sent to E.D.N III by the Neo-Venus Construction company and arrive to find a hostile ice age planet.



As Lost Planet 3 is a prequel the harsh and extreme icy conditions from the first game make a return rather than the more tropical environment from the second game. More of the story behind the colonisation of E.D.N III are revealed in this game.

Lost Planet 3 tells the story of Jim Peyton, a colonist working for the Neo-Venus Construction company (NEVEC). Jim has left his family on Earth to work on the colonisation of E.D.N III.

Working from Coronis base, the planet is being surveyed to find the source of a naturally occurring thermal energy.

Jim finds himself in trouble after falling down a fissure in the ice and discovering a hidden snow pirate base below the surface, he soon learns the truth about the planet and NEVEC.

Gameplay features a mixture of first person and third person combat with Jim also making use of his utility rig packed with tools and weapons.


  • Xbox 360, PS3
  • Third person shooter
  • Lost Planet series


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