Lost Planet 2


Lost planet 2 is set 10 years after the first game. The landscape has changed somewhat from the original too, the planet’s ice is melting leaving behind a tropical jungle.

The game has single player options, four player co-op and up to 16 player multiplayer.

By: Andy Richmond
April 8, 2011 11:59 am

After having great fun with Re5i, my friends and I were really disappointed with the sluggish, overly complex controls of LP2. The most irritating thing was the knockback animation which left you wide open to enemy spam attacks.

I'm sorry to say that even the dizzy heights of a 4-way co-op against a Category G Akrid, whilst trying to keep coolant levels safe on the train, carry ordinance to the railgun mounted on top and avoiding ranged fire by some waste-lander with a sniper rifle (phew)..... wasn't enough to prevent me wanting to spit a chewed pad through the TV screen after the umpteenth death caused by knockback spam.

Capcom, you should be ashamed!

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