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Cheapest London 2012

You’ve been waiting for the most exiting event of recent times and you have watched the games, so now be part of the excitement as you compete in London 2012 from the comfort of your home.

Be the best you can and be an Olympic gold medalist when you compete in over 35 events, see if you can do better than the real athletes.



This is a great way of getting in on the action with many of the games that you have loved to watch.

You can compete online against your friends as there are online leader boards, there are many multiplayer modes too so you can get your family together and compete. The game is compatible with Xbox 360 Kinect, Wii motion plus and Playstation move.

Every medal you get will count towards the nation’s medal table.


  • Online multiplayer
  • Xbox 360 Kinect
  • PS3 Move
  • Wii motion plus


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