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Cheapest Kinect Sensor

Description Kinect is controller free and ‘you are the controller, using cameras and infra-red it tracks your movements enabling you to become the controller and to play your game. This is great fun for the whole family, in some games it periodically takes pictures of you in embarrassing poses, it does this a lot in […]


Kinect is controller free and ‘you are the controller, using cameras and infra-red it tracks your movements enabling you to become the controller and to play your game.

This is great fun for the whole family, in some games it periodically takes pictures of you in embarrassing poses, it does this a lot in Kinect adventures which comes with the Kinect.

In the first 2 months after its release it sold 8 million.

It has facial recognition and voice recognition so it has an idea of who is playing.

You can use it to learn new dance moves, do a workout or just have some fun.


  • Use your body as the controller.
  • Facial recognition.
  • Voice control.
  • Video chat.


Wired: 70 88

IGN: 75

cnet: 70

Tech Radar: 70

engadget: 60

By: Adele
April 13, 2011 10:48 pm

I love the kinect I bought it for an anniversary present for my husband but I use it more, it has some great games. My only issue is the room you are playing in needs to be huge otherwise it complains a lot that you need to move further back.
I have a few games for it but the best for the whole family is kinect adventures.

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