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Cheapest Killzone Shadow Fall

Killzone Shadow Fall is a first person shooter game. It is the sixth game in the very popular Killzone game series. Killzone Shadow Fall is also a launch title for the hugely anticipated next generation console the PS4.

Killzone Shadow Fall is set 30 years after Killzone 3.The game focuses on the conflict between two rival colonies the Vektans and the Helghast. The rivals have spent three decades separated by an enormous security wall, things are all about to change.



You take on the role of Shadow Marshall Lucas Kellan, your job is to protect your home and maintain peace between the two rivals.

You will have to deal with all manner of conflicts which puts you in the path of the Helghast intelligence operative called Echo, he is fighting the same reason as you but on the opposing side, stopping at nothing to get the job done.

There are some returning weapons from the previous games the M82 assault rifle, the STA-52 Assault rifle and the STA-18 pistol. There are new weapons too the hybrid sniper rifle and an advanced hovering attack drone which can shield you and hack terminals.


  • PS4
  • Single player
  • Multiplayer
  • Killzon series


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