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Cheapest Halo Wars 2

The crew of the Spirit of Fire return facing a brand new enemy, the crew and the galaxy is in an all new danger. The heroes have a terrifying new threat facing the UNSP. Set in the year 2559 28 years after the end of Halo Wars.

Halo wars 2 is a real time strategy video game. Set in the 26th century in the science fictional world of Halo after the events of Halo 5. The heroes have returned and have found themselves and their galaxy in more danger than before. The game starts with the crew awakening from cryosleep in the Ark.



Halo Wars 2 features a whole new story. It features two playable factions, one is The United Nations Space Command (UNSC) who have returned from the first Halo Wars and the Banished a new alien faction a new enemy.

The missions take place upon the legendary Ark. Find troops and build an army and lead them into battle.You have campaign modes and Multiplayer modes. In the campaign mode you have thirteen missions to play and has cooperative gameplay.

The game has various multiplayer modes that can be played with up to six players online with Xbox live.There are Stronghold and Domination modes, their main focus is controlling bases or nodes on the map. There is a deathmatch which involves fighting until just one play is left.


  • Xbox One
  • Single player
  • Multiplayer
  • All new story


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