Compare Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary prices

Cheapest Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary

Description A first person shooter this is the original halo combat evolved but with some enhancements and some added extras. Halo anniversary will feature achievements. This will be the first of the halo games that will be compatible with the Kinect, also it can be compatible with 3D TV’s. Making use of two game engines, […]


A first person shooter this is the original halo combat evolved but with some enhancements and some added extras. Halo anniversary will feature achievements.

This will be the first of the halo games that will be compatible with the Kinect, also it can be compatible with 3D TV’s.

Making use of two game engines, the campaign version of Halo combat Evolved anniversary uses an updated HD graphics engine or it can be played with the original Halo graphics from Bungie, with the ability to switch between the classic and updated visuals during play.

Also included will be online multiplayer and co-op. There will be some hidden Easter egg goodies too.


  • Xbox 360
  • Updated graphics
  • Multiplayer and co-op


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