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Cheapest Halo 5: Guardians

Halo 5: Guardians is an upcoming science fiction first person shooter video game and is part of the Halo series, it is also the sequel to the popular Halo 4. It is the second game in the Reclaimer saga, and concludes the master Chief story and is the ninth title in the halo game series.

The colony worlds are attacked leaving peace shattered and on top of that humanity's greatest hero goes missing leaving Spartan Jameson Locke searching and trying to solve a mystery that threatens the galaxy.



Halo 5 has the largest collection of characters of all the halo games and features new characters and returning characters.

The character John-117 goes missing and it is tasked to Agent Locke to find him. Both John-117 and Agent Locke are playable characters.

Halo 5: Guardians is a game that has a single player and multiplayer mode, and is only available to Xbox One. The multiplayer mode looks back at past halo games.

Halo 5 features a set of enhancements known as Spartan abilities replacing armour abilities, Spartan abilities are available to all players. The campaign and the multiplayer are developed around Spartan abilities.

The campaign mode alternates between the perspectives of John-117’s Blue team and Spartan Locke’s Fireteam Osiris. In Co-op mode you can play as different fireteam members, all characters will have different attributes.


  • Xbox One exclusive
  • First person shooter
  • Halo series


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