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Cheapest GRID Autosport

GRID Autosport is a racing video game. Following on from GRID and GRID 2, GRID Autosport lets you race in a world of professional racing drivers. Putting you against the best cars and most exiting tracks.

Your aim is to progress your racing career. As you build your career you will be able to join teams and if you need to you can switch teams. As with all racing drivers you can earn sponsorship for yourself.



The game features over 100 different tracks in 22 locations and has a multitude of high performance racing cars.
You will have rivalry against your team mates.

To progress you will need to satisfy your team sponsors, how you drive will affect your sponsorship as you pass your rivals and give yourself a better position. You will need to manage your tyre wear as you would if you were a professional racing driver.

You will be able to race in different categories including touring cars, drift cars and tons of others.


  • Xbox 360 and PS3
  • Single player / Multiplayer
  • GRID series


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