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Cheapest Grid 2

Grid 2 is a video racing game and is the sequel to Grid. Set in real world locations and vehicles from the past 40 years.

Grid 2 is a game that puts you in the driving seat as you battle other players. You are in control of your vehicle instead of using handling assists. The graphics of the game are great too as you can see the reflections of other cars in the windows and body of the car, you will see the surroundings reflected too.



The cars have been researched and checked to make the cars as accurate as possible by checking the weight distribution and how the car handles in real life.

You will race in real locations across the continents, checking out the scenery as you go. You race across America, Europe and Asia, California, Abu Dhabi and Hong Kong.

There are 4 Tiers of cars ranging from BMW E30 M3 in Tier 1 to Koenigsegg Agera R in Tier 4. Any bumps scrapes and crashes will be visible on your car in spectacular fashion. The cars have simulation based handling but they are still drivable.


  • Xbox 360, PS3
  • Single player
  • Multi player


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