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Cheapest Grand Theft Auto 5

Grand Theft Auto 5 or GTA V from Rockstar Games is the next installment in the open world action adventure game series. Grand Theft Auto V is a highly anticipated game and includes many improvements over previous games.

The 15th game in the Grand Theft Auto series is set in Los Santos, a city in the fictional state of San Andreas. The story follows the interconnected stories of three criminals looking to make a big score.



Grand Theft Auto V is set to be Rockstars biggest open world game so far.

Los Santos is a based on California and L.A and is a huge open world environment with a variety of different locations and terrains such as the city itself, beaches, hills, country sides and piers.

The main story has three playable characters. Michael is a former bank robber, Trevor was his partner but is now a drug addict loner and Franklin who works for a dodgy car dealer. Their three stories intertwine as they all look to make some easy money.

GTA V aims to surpass previous games with ambitious improvements in every area. Larger open worlds with more freedom, better missions, more in depth storytelling and the inclusion of online multiplayer.


  • Xbox 360, PS3
  • Open world
  • Multiplayer
  • Grand Theft Auto series


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