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Cheapest Forza Horizon 3

Forza Horizon 3 is a racing video game in an open world environment and is part of the Forza series. It is the ninth title in the Forza racing series and third in the Horizon series.

This time the Horizon festival is set in Australia. In the previous horizon games you were participant but this time round you are in charge. Your objective is to earn fans.



There is a brand new feature called Horizon blueprint this means you can create your own gameplay and share it online with your friends.

Forza horizon 3 puts you in charge of the whole festival you are the head of the horizon festival. You are able to customise your game completely, customise cars, add your own music using one of eight radio stations or from your own music collection. You are able to change the route of the event, you can even cost the weather conditions. You can also hire and fire your friends they must help you to win fans.

The map is twice the size of Forza horizon 2, and has stunning scenery. The game has an option to play 12 player online free roam or four player online co-op and features cross platform gaming.


  • Single player
  • Multi player
  • Xbox One
  • Forza Horizon Series


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