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Cheapest Forza Horizon

The hugely popular racing game Forza returns with Forza Horizon set at the Horizon festival set in Colorado in USA. With an exiting road trip feel.

Forza horizon is an open world racing game where you get to take part in the Horizon festival. You play to win wristbands by driving fast, destroying property and most of all winning races.



You will be able to drive anywhere you want to including fields and plains. There are multiple races, point to point races, drift races and rally.

The races take place throughout the day and night.

There is a skill system in the game that earns you street cred by driving aggressively in races. Jumping over obstacles and driving on two wheels will earn you more street cred, and you earn even more if you create combo’s all of which affects how much money you will be paid at the end of the races.

As your popularity grows you will unlock special events some of these are races against helicopters and planes.


  • Xbox 360
  • Multiplayer, online and split screen
  • Forza Series


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