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Cheapest FIFA 16

FIFA 16 is an upcoming football simulation video game from EA sports. Defend, Tackle, control with your favourite players in this exiting new football game. Fifa 16 gives you an authentic football experience allowing you to play how you want.

In an exciting new development, for the first time in the FIFA series the game features female football players and has 12 national women's teams. In the 22 years of Fifa only men's teams have been featured.



The women’s teams featured are Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, England, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Sweden, Spain, and the united states.

Motion capture was used to track the movement of some of the female players. The England team captain Steph Houghton and her team mates are featured alongside 11 other female teams.

The new slide tackle system makes it possible for you to control the players slide. You have the ability to stop mid-tackle if it looks like the tackle will be unsuccessful, you can also frustrate your opponent by using fake tackles to make them react to the situation.

You are able to rely on your team to defend as a unit. You can use swing step behaviour to change direction quickly.

Using FIFA Trainer you can learn as you play, FIFA Trainer gives you and overlay graphic which prompts you and gives you basic commands or deeper hints.


  • Xbox and PlayStation
  • FIFA series
  • Featuring women’s teams


By: jay
September 23, 2015 4:08 pm


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