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Far Cry 4 is an action adventure first person shooter video game. It is the fourth in the far cry series and it is the sequel to 2012’s Far Cry 3.

Set in the fictional Himalayan region Kyrat you take on the role of Ajay Ghale. Ajay has returned to to Kyrat to fulfil a wish from his mother before she died. His mother wished to have her ashes scattered in her home town. Ajays parents were the leaders of the Kyratese rebellion.



Ajay sets off from the United states and is kidnapped on the way to Kyrat by the Pagan Min.

For the first time in the Far Cry Series the protagonist is a native of the country. You will have a whole array of weapons at your disposal as you find yourself caught up in the civil war, but while you are fighting the war you will need to be careful because there are vicious animals waiting to attack you including Leopards, Rhinos, and Honey Badgers.

You will have to make sure you use the right weapon.

You don’t need to fight alone you can fight with a friend in co-op mode. Using Co-op your friends can drop in at any point.


  • PS4, Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PS3
  • First person shooter video game
  • Single player/ Multiplayer


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