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Driveclub is a racing video game made for the PS4, racing around exciting locations around the world, featuring races in Japan, UK and Canada

The game is focused on teamwork. You get to play with up to 12 players working as a team. You create your team and decide on the team colours, you get to choose your own logo for your cars. As you complete challenges you team will increase in fame. There will be bonuses for completing challenges the bonuses give you advantages.



As well as playing in teams you can complete individual challenges too. You can enter weekly tournaments and find out who the best driver is.

You will have access to the coolest cars in the world and you will be able to customise the cars you will then be able to show off your cars in the garage, when you customize your car you can show off your talents customising your car or you can customise it using your team colours.

Each team member will help towards the success of the whole team.


  • PS4
  • Up to 12 players
  • Complete challenges


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