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Cheapest Dirt Showdown

Dirt showdown is the latest codemasters game by Colin McRae in the dirt racing series. It is an arcade racing game. The races are in 3 racing categories, circuit racing, demolition derby and Hoonigan events.

Crash and smash in lots of demolition derby events, Circuit racing focuses on obstacles shortcuts and jumps, and hoonigan is about freestyle.



Dirt showdown has a great mix of cars, including Ken Blocks Gymkhana 4 HFHV Ford Fiesta. You will have access to saloon cars, pick-up trucks, hearses and vans to race and smash up.

You can issue showdown challenges to your friends to play against them online or offline. Using career mode you will be able to travel to places such as Miami, San Francisco, London, Tokyo and other famous locations.

Dirt showdown is designed for social gaming so it has split screen multiplayer modes and eight player online modes too, there are dedicated party games to play online, and some classics like catch the flag.


  • Xbox 360, PS3 and PC
  • DiRT series
  • Multiplayer


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