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Cheapest Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is a first person stealth, cyberpunk themed action role-playing video game. The game is played first person perspective but has a third person cover system.

Set in the year 2029 two years after the human revolution, following the aftermath of the aug-incident. This was the day that mechanical augmented individuals were stripped of them control of their minds and bodies leaving millions of innocent dead.



Deus Ex: Mankind Divided follows protagonist Adam Jensen in a world full of conspiracy.

Adam is an augmented former private security officer who now works for Interpol. Now mechanical augmented humans are seen as outcasts. There is a divide between those who are augmented and those who are not, and various factions trying to hide the truth about what happened.

You have a vast array of cutting edge weapons to choose from, and can customise them to suit you. You’re actions affect how your game is played out. You can tackle situations using stealth, combat and social interactions. The game can be completed without killing anyone.


  • Single player
  • PS4 and Xbox One
  • Action role-playing first person shooter
  • Deus Ex series


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