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Cheapest Dead Space 3

Dead Space 3 is the sequel to Dead Space 2 and is set in the Dead Space universe. It is a third person horror survival game and third in the series.

Set after the events of Dead Space 2 on the cold snowy planet of Tau Volantis. Isaac Clarke is continuing on his mission to end the extremely aggressive Necromorph infestation.



The necromorph search for bodies to infect and spread the infection. The game is set mainly on the planet of Tau Volantis, and not in space like the first two games.

The game has two modes, you can play singe player or multi player. In single player you will take control of Isaac Clarke and follows a traditional game play experience.

Co-op mode is drop-in/drop-out and allows two players to play together, one gets to control sergeant John Carver the a survivor of Necromorph attack on planet Uxor. Playing co-op mode provides extra details on the games plot.


  • Xbox 360, PS3
  • Third person shooter
  • Single player and Co-op


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