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Cheapest Dead Rising 4

Dead Rising 4 is an open world survival horror zombie beat em up video game and is the eighth title in the game series. The game features both singleplayer and multiplayer modes.

Dead Rising 4 is set at Christmas time in the town called Willamette, a town surrounded by lovely green hills. Willamette was the setting for original Dead rising game. Dead Rising 4 is set 16 years after Dead rising and 1 year after Dead Rising 3.



You take on the role of Frank West. Frank is a freelance photojournalist. There has been a terrible outbreak affecting the Willamette memorial megaplex mall and all the surrounding areas are overrun with dangerous predators.

There are two new classes of zombies for you to fight against in this exciting open world sandbox. You are able to use anything you find as a weapon and you can craft your own weapons.There are so many ways to defeat the dangerous and deadly zombies.

There is a multiplayer aspect to the game too you can team up and play four player co-op or you can play in a match with players all around the world.


  • Xbox One
  • Single player
  • Multi player
  • Open world horror zombie


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