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Cheapest Dead Rising 3

Dead Rising 3 the open world Zombie game is the sequel to Dead Rising 2. Dead rising 3 is a horror survival video game exclusively for the Xbox One, and features a new protagonist Nick Ramos taking over from Chuck Greene.

Ten years after the events of Dead Rising 2 in Fortune City, Nick Ramos finds himself trapped in Los Perdidos just three days after the outbreak of zombies and needs to protect himself, one man against the undead. Nick has to team up with other survivors to try to escape before the city is destroyed in a military strike.



In Dead Rising 3 you can use anything as a weapon, you will be able to create your own tools too.

The open world is much bigger than Dead Rising and Dead Rising 2 combined. You will be able to explore Los Perdidos with no load times.

The zombies will keep you on your toes as they challenge you to use all your skills to stay alive. You will need to be inventive with your weapons, simple tools such as a sledge hammer on a table saw won’t hold off the zombies but if you fuse them together you will be able to do a lot of damage as you create the sledgesaw!

The game is compatible with the Kinect and Xbox Smartglass. Using the Kinect means that the zombies can hear things in the room you are playing from and respond. Smartglass is a way for your friends to help you out, and you can receive in-game calls and text messages.


  • Xbox One
  • Single player / online co-op
  • Next generation
  • Kinect and Smartglass compatible


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