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Crysis 3 is the third game in the Crysis series and is a first person shooter video game set 24 years after Crysis 2

You take on the role of Prophet returning to New York in the year 2047 on your return you find that the city has been covered by a huge nanodome from the C.E.L.L corporation named the Liberty Dome.



The Liberty Dome resembles a rain forest as the trees are overgrown and there are swamps and rivers. There are seven different treacherous environments known as the seven wonders.

You are on a revenge mission after discovering the truth about the nanodome, it is not the C.E.L.L’s way of protecting the people it is the first step to world domination.

To defeat your enemies you will need a lot of guns, you can take and use the C.E.L.Ls guns however your greatest weapon will be the humble bow and arrow. Your bow and arrow is adaptable to your circumstances, so you will be able to use it to protect you when you need it.


  • Xbox 360, PS3
  • Crysis series
  • Single player and Multi-player


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