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Cheapest Call of Duty: Black Ops III

Call of Duty Black Ops III is a first person shooter video game and is a sequel to the 2012 Call of Duty Black Ops II. Black Ops III is set 40 years later. It is the fourth title in the Black Ops series and twelfth game in the Call of Duty game franchise.

In the year 2065 in a dark twisted dystopian future there line between human and machine has been blurred to the point where they are more machine than flesh, Super Soldiers have been developed by scientists to fight in the battlefield.



Scientists have changed the landscape as well as the future of humans. People have become afraid of a robotic takeover. People are violently protesting and trying to put an end to what the scientists call advancements.

There are three different modes of play in Call of Duty Black Ops III, campaign, multiplayer and Zombies. In campaign you can play four player co-op.

You can have a customisable soldier that can be male or female.

The game follows a team of Black Ops super soldiers. During battle you will be connected to the intelligence grid and to fellow soldiers. Each Soldier has difficult decisions to make. There are new weapons and traditional weapons at your disposal.

The game features Zombie mode with its own storyline.


  • Xbox One and PlayStation 4
  • First person shoter
  • Single player/ Multiplayer
  • Black Ops series


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