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Borderlands: The Pre-sequel! is a first person shooter video game and is the third game in the Borderlands series set between Borderlands and Borderlands 2 it is the prequel to Borderlands 2.

The game has four playable characters as with the previous Borderlands games, The playable characters appeared in previous games as non playable characters. The playable characters are, Athena the gladiator, Wilhelm the Enforcer, Nisha the law bringer and Claptrap the Fragtrap.



The game follows the story of Handsome Jack the main antagonist of Borderlands 2 and his rise to power.

The main characters start off the game as Handsome Jack’s henchmen. Handsome Jack starts the game with morally good intentions but as the game progresses he turns into the villain known from Borderlands 2.

The game has quests in which you will find yourself fighting bad guys who are doing the wrong thing for the right reason.

This game has new items you can use including laser guns and cryogenic weapons that will slowdown and freeze your enemies.


  • Xbox 360 and PS3
  • Single player, multi-player and Co-op
  • First person shooter
  • Borderlands series


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