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Cheapest Batman: Arkham Origins

Batman Arkham origins is a prequel to Batman Arkham Asylum and Batman Arkham City. The game sets the story of Batman before the rise of Gotham’s villains.

It sees young Batman, a man still honing his crime fighting skills. It sets the scene of batman on his route to becoming the Dark Knight. As you follow the story you get to see characters and back stories being formed.



Batman Arkham Asylum was a great opening game in the Arkham series followed up by the hugely successful Arkham City. Both games were developed by Rocksteady. Batman: Arkham Origins is developed by Warner Brothers games Montreal but takes the core technology, gameplay and combat system from the first two games and builds upon them.

Arkham Origins is set in Gotham City five years before the events of Arkham Asylum, Batman has only been fighting crime for a short amount of time and is not yet the Superhero we’ve seen in Arkham Asylum and Arkham City.

Batman is not yet well know in Gotham City he’s a mysterious vigilante but he has caught the attention of crime lord Black Mask. Black Mask has put a $50 million bounty on Batman and eight professional killers have come to Gotham City determined to collect.

The game will feature villains including Joker, Penguin, Bane and Deadshot.


  • Xbox 360, PS3, Wii U
  • Batman Arkham Series
  • Prequel


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