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Cheapest Batman Arkham City

Batman is back in the highly anticipated sequel to Arkham asylum. Set 1 year after Arkham asylum. Quincy Sharp has taken credit for stopping the Joker and has been made mayor of Gotham city.

An area of Gotham slums have been armed with private military contractors to create Arkham City. The inmates of Arkham city have free rein just as long as they do not try to escape.



The game has a new story. Two face decides that he wants notoriety and sets a plan to publicly execute Catwoman, Batman decides to enter Arkham city to save Catwoman and Gotham city.

The player gets to control Batman completing missions. The player can play silently to sneak up on enemies and use new tactics to surprise the enemies.
You will have access to all gadgets from the first game, but with exiting new gadgets too.

There is detective mode which gives you clues on screen. There are optional challenges from the Riddler to find and collect hidden trophies, you will need to work hard to locate these. Catwoman is also a playable character.


  • PC, PS3, Xbox360
  • Standard edition and collector’s edition available
  • Single player
  • Catwoman is a playable character


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