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Cheapest Assassin's Creed Syndicate

Assassin's creed: Syndicate is a third person historical action adventure open world stealth video game. It is the ninth game in the Assassin’s creed game series successor to Assassin's creed unity.

Assassin's creed Syndicate is set in the year 1868 in London during the industrial revolution, the game follows Twin sister and brother Evie and Jacob Frye. Evie and Jacob navigate a world ruled by money. The Assassin's brotherhood is almost gone leaving London controlled by The Templars. Jacob and Evie infiltrate London's criminal underworld in an effort to take back control from the Templars.



For the first time in Assassin’s Creed you can switch between the two main characters freely, and is the first in the series to feature a female playable character.

The two protagonists are Jacob Frye who is a hot headed brawler who specialises in close combat and his twin sister Evie Fyre who uses stealth, intelligence and wit.

Your weapons will feature brass knuckles, compact revolver, cane sword and Nepalese curved kukri knife.

The game features new technology including the rope launcher enabling you to scale buildings to surprise you enemies.

You can hijack carriages leaving a trail of destruction in an open world victorian London.


  • Playstation 4 and Xbox One
  • Single player
  • Action, adventure and stealth


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