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Cheapest Assassin's Creed Rogue

Assassins Creed Rogue is a historical action adventure video game and it is the sequel to Assassins Creed IV Black Flag. Set mid 18th century during the seven year war in North America.

You play as Shay Patrick Cormac and you see his transition from Assassin to Assassin hunter. Shay has been left by the people he thought of as his brothers so he turns to the Templars and he sets off on a mission as an Assassin hunter.



For the first time in the assassin series you get to play as a Templar.

There are new weapons in Assassins Creed Rogue some of these are ship based weapons one of which is the ability to release an oil slick that can be set on fire.

There are Puckle guns. Your enemies will be able to board your ship the Morrigan. You will be able to silently take out enemies by using an air rifle. The air rifle can also use fire crackers.

You have a grenade launcher too that can fire out shrapnel and grenades. As with previous games you can hide in bushes and blend in among the crowds.


  • Xbox 360 and PS3
  • Action adventure stealth
  • Assassin’s Creed series


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