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Cheapest Assassin's Creed 3

Assassin’s creed is an open world historical action Adventure game set in the 18th Century around the time of the American Revolution.

It is the fifth game in the series. This installment sees a new protagonist named Connor Kenway who is half English and half Native American. The game will have a present day setting too in which Desmond Miles has to try to prevent the 2012 apocalypse.



It is the fifth game in the series. This installment sees a new protagonist named Connor Kenway who is half English and half Native American. The game will have a present day setting too in which Desmond Miles has to try to prevent the 2012 apocalypse.

Set in Colonial America the player controls Connor Kenway who is drawn into the fight when the colonial British soldiers attack his home.

Now Connor has to fight to save his homeland in a struggle over territory. This begins the extraordinary journey that changes Connor into a master assassin and changes his nation’s destiny forever.

You will get to explore many cities including Boston and New York. You can also explore the American Colonial frontier covering Forests, Rivers and cliffs where you can take part in hunting activities.


  • Xbox 360, PS3
  • Multiplayer
  • Open world


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