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Watch dogs 2 is an open world action adventure video game set in a fictional version of San Francisco it is the sequel to the 2014 game Watch dogs. Watch dogs 2 is played in third person.

You take on the role of Marcus Holloway who travels around San Francisco on foot or by vehicle. Marcus Holloway is a hacker who is part of the hacking group DedSec. DedSec’s aim is to take down the city's advanced surveillance system.



Marcus Holloway has been accused of a crime against The Blume corporation accused of hacking that he did not commit. The story follows on from the events of Watch dogs.

You are able to play single player or multiplayer and has multiple missions. You can play aggressively using guns, explosive mines and Marcus weapon the thunderball. You can play using the stealth approach where you can take advantage of a taser. If you commit too many crimes the police are alerted and try to arrest you, however it is possible to complete the game just using hacking.

As with Watch dogs there is an upgrade system, you can choose your upgrades according to your own play style. The upgrades are in three categories Stealth, Aggressor and Trickster. You can choose your upgrades according to your play style. Multiplayer features Online invasions and Bounty hunter.


  • Playstation 4 and Xbox One
  • Single player
  • Multi player
  • Action adventure


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