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Watchdogs is an open world action adventure stealth video game. The concept of the game is built around the idea of information warfare and how dependent people are on technology.

You control the main character Aiden Pierce, who is able to hack into some of the devices connected to the Central operating system and solve problems.



Watch dogs is set in a world quite like our own, everybody relies heavily on technology they use it to talk to friends and find out about the world around them. Everything that they do with the technology leaves behind a trail and this trail is always growing.

The technology doesn’t just track people it tracks how major cities are controlled. The Central Operating System controls nearly everything in the whole city such as bank vaults, business databases and mobile phones.

Your character Aiden is a former thug who and brilliant hacker who lost his family, Aidens skills are used to track down those who hurt his family.


  • PS4, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS3
  • Open world


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