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Cheapest Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Blacklist

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Blacklist is an action adventure stealth video game. It is the sixth in the Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell series, and is a direct sequel to Splinter Cell Conviction. Blacklist sees Sam Fisher return to save the world.

The president of the United States Patricia Caldwell has shut down the Third Echelon because it was corrupt, she has replaced it with The Fourth Echelon a special operations, counter Terrorist Unit. She puts Sam Fisher in control of it.



Splinter Cell sees a new gameplay mechanic called killing in motion which allows the you to highlight your target and while on the run you can take them out and you can take out multiple targets at once.

The game is third person perspective. The game is also compatible with the kinect so you can distract your enemies by saying things to them, and you can choose whether to control Sam with the gamepad or the kinect.

Sam Fisher has an array of gadgets to help him out, there are some old ones and some prototypes for you to try out. Sam’s suit is upgraded and you can customise it throughout the game.


  • Xbox 360, PS3, Wii U
  • Tom Clancy Splinter Cell Series
  • Kinect compatible
  • Single player, multiplayer


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