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Titanfall is a first person shooter video game, featuring fast paced combat. This is the debut title from Respawn games and is set in the future in a land destroyed by war.

Titanfall is set in a future universe and is an online multiplayer game. You find yourself dropped in the middle of the conflict between the interstellar Manufacturing corporation and the militia.



Your aim is to complete team based objectives, you play on a war torn planet either as a “pilot” free running or inside a Titan, a mech style walker suit.

There can be up to 12 players at a time. The game features 15 maps and 33 weapons. Once your game starts a timer appears to let you know when you can deploy your Titans this timer goes down as you kill other players, once you have deployed your titans they have a forcefield around them for 30 seconds to protect them.

There are different types of Titans with different abilities. The game has two main fractions these are the interstellar manufacturing corporation and the Frontier Militia. There are challenges and these are a good way to earn experience points.


  • Xbox One, Xbox 360 & PC
  • Online co-op
  • First-person shooter
  • Multiplayer


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